Employee Complaints and Concerns
Informal Complaint Process
The Lancaster ISD Board of Trustees encourages employees and staff to discuss their concerns with the appropriate teacher, principal, or other campus administrator who has the authority to address the concerns. Concerns should be expressed as soon as possible to allow early resolution at the lowest possible administrative level.
STEP 1: Contact the Staff Member
The most direct route to resolving a concern is to confer directly with the person involved (teacher, campus/department administrator). More than 95% of concerns are resolved by a conversation between those involved.
STEP 2: Contact the Campus/Department Administrator
Campus/Department administrators are responsible for the school’s or department’s operation. They can provide explanations of policies and procedures, clarifications and other pertinent information which may assist you in solving your concern.
Formal Complaint Process
An employee may initiate the formal process by timely filing a written complaint form.
STEP 3 - Contact Human Resources
If steps 1 and/or 2 have not resolved your concern, you may file a formal Level One complaint. The complaint may be submitted in any the following forms:
A Human Resources Administrator or Designee will hear your complaint during a Level One hearing within ten days after receipt of the written complaint. The Administrator or Designee shall investigate as necessary and shall provide the employee a written response within ten district business days following the conference.
STEP 4 - Level Two Appeal
If the employee does not receive the relief requested at the Level One hearing, the employee may appeal the Level One decision. The appeal notice must be filed in writing, on a form provided by the District, within ten days of the date of the written Level One response.
STEP 5 - Level Three Appeal
If the employee does not receive the relief requested at the Level Two hearing, the employee may request a Level Three hearing with the LISD School Board. The appeal notice must be filed in writing through the superintendent’s office, on a form provided by the District, within ten days of the written Level Two response.
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