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Lancaster Independent School District
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Enrollment Q&A
Can my child enroll in Lancaster ISD?
What grade will I enroll my child in?
What steps do I need to take to enroll my child for the current school year?
What if I am enrolling my child for the upcoming school year?
My child is already enrolled in Lancaster ISD - do I have to re-enroll?
My child left Lancaster ISD and is now returning, what do I need to do?
I keep seeing information about an in-person registration event, do I need to attend?
What documents will I need to provide?
What if I don’t have all the required documents?
What proof of residency is acceptable?
Can I use a lease, cable bill, or phone bill as proof of residency?
What if the proof of residency bill is not in the name of the parent/guardian?
What if the child does not reside with the parent/guardian?
What are the Open Enrollment Guidelines?
What do I do AFTER I complete the online pre-registration?
What is the Compulsory Attendance Law?