LISD Wraparound Services
The following list is provided as a courtesy of the Lancaster ISD, Parent Connect and Student Support Services Departments. The inclusion of an agency in the list below in no way constitutes an endorsement of relationships between Lancaster ISD and the service provider. This list is subject to change.

Supporting Students, Transforming Communities
Complete the Student Assistance Form, and a member of the Wraparound Services Team will contact you.
Tiger Hugs Student Assistance Form
Tiger Hugs Student Assistance Spanish Form
Wraparound Services supply students with the necessary nonacademic assistance to be successful in school, including: acess to mental and physical health professionals, food, housing, and more.
Lancaster's vision is to empower LISD students by investing in the whole child, maximizing academic outcomes by providing non-academic resources to meet the needs of all LISD students. The Wraparound Services team vision is to build strong relationships with students, parents and key stake holders to develop strong network systems of support.
Contact us today to learn more!