Separation From Employment
In order to separate from Lancaster ISD, you must submit a letter of resignation/retirement to your principal or supervisor. Be sure to include the effective date of your resignation or retirement, reason for separation, along with your signature and the current date. You are also required to enter your separation request in the Employee Service Center. By entering your separation request in the Employee Service Center, you will have the opportunity to complete the Exit Survey. Your input is important to us and the information you provide will be used to improve our district. You must obtain an LISD Employee Exit Checklist (Yellow Form) from your supervisor/principal. You may review your personal information on the Employee Service Center. It is the employee's responsibility to update their contact information (Mailing Address, Phone Number, Email) in the system for future communication.
If you are also retiring through the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS), please contact them directly. You can access their website or call 1-800-223-8778.
Note: Your separation from the district is processed through Lancaster ISD, but your retirement is processed through the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS). Questions related to retirement benefits cannot be addressed by Lancaster ISD personnel.
Additional Information
While you are still employed with Lancaster ISD, you will have access to:
We appreciate your service to the students of Lancaster ISD and wish you the best!