Needs Assessment

July 20, 2023, Lancaster, Tx --Transparent communication with our stakeholders is essential in our effort to continue to build trust within our community. Therefore, we are sharing the following update with you. 

The Texas Education Agency-appointed conservator has completed our district's needs assessment executive summary. This assessment serves as a roadmap for enhancing our educational services and creating an even brighter future for our students.

What You'll Find in the Summary:

The Needs Assessment Executive Summary offers an insightful overview of the district's strengths, areas for improvement, and opportunities for growth as determined by our Conservator, Dr. Carol Francois. By acknowledging our successes and identifying areas for enhancement, we are laying the foundation for continuous success in our district.

In addition, this executive summary is not intended to be an exhaustive, detailed study but rather a mechanism for surfacing specific focus areas for subsequent inclusion into a Progress Report for the district to complete over the next two school years. The Conservator will contact the Superintendent and Board President if additional analyses are needed.

To review the Needs Assessment Executive Summary, please click here.