
Department Mission

The mission of the Purchasing Department is to maintain an efficient and accurate process for acquiring goods and services which satisfy both the internal and external needs of the District.

These goods and services shall be acquired by the formal solicitation of bids/ quotations, telephone quotations, competitive procurement, and utilization of the District’s purchasing cooperative contracts.

Services and Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the Purchasing Department to provide fair and accurate purchasing guidelines and procedures and to take care of District obligations in an efficient and timely manner with minimal interference to campus and departmental activities.

According to Board approved District policy, only Purchasing Department personnel are authorized to make commitments to purchase for the District. Lancaster ISD therefore assumes no liability for payment of obligations except those authorized by the Purchasing Department.

The Purchasing Department is also responsible for the following:

  • Convert approved requisitions to purchase orders and issue purchase orders accordingly.

  • Provide campuses and departments with updated vendor lists.

  • Provide all personnel with support and information about the district purchasing process and policies.

  • Issue bid/proposal and quotation solicitations as needed and required by law.

  • Ensure compliance with all purchasing laws, statutes, and policies related to public school districts.